Sunday 8 March 2015

An influential event

All of us have lots of influential events in our lives that make who we are today. When we talk about influential event, we always associate it with life transition like entering university or getting married. If I have to choose one influential event to share, it must be migrating to Singapore. It is the most significant event that changed my life entirely.
My parents think that Singapore’s education system is much better compared to Taiwan. Thus, they decided to bring my sister and I to Singapore for a more holistic education. I moved to Singapore immediately after I graduated from primary school, when I was twelve. It was the first time I stepped out of my comfort zone, and I would say that it was really a tough time for me. I came to an entirely new environment; I had to pick up a new language, adapt to new education system and make new friends.
I first entered a language school to prepare for admission to local schools. It was really problematic to enter a local school. I went to at least five schools to take their admission exams and attended two other joint admission exams. The process of applying and going for admission made me exhausted. To make things worse, my results were really lousy. I got less than ten percent for my English and around thirty percent for Mathematics. The problem was that I could not even understand the questions during exams. I felt defeated.

After several exams, I was finally admitted to Normal Academic stream of a neighborhood school. I constantly set goals for myself to achieve. The first goal was to promote to Express stream in my secondary school. Then I wished to enter a junior college nearby my house. Finally, I made it to National University of Singapore, one of the top universities in the world. It is something that none of my family member could imagine, including myself. If I never move to Singapore, I would not have the opportunity to enroll in such outstanding university to pursue my dream for psychology. This is the most significant and influential in my life.

(359 words)


  1. After reading the post, I felt really inspired by it. I was able to think about how hard it was for you to migrate over and having to adapt to the new environment. Yet despite of the challenges, you manage to achieve your goals. The post was also very 'real' as you went into details about your difficulties to get into a local secondary school. Really enjoy your post (:

  2. Hi Cindy!! :)

    - The event described consist of your experience moving to Singapore. I get an idea of how you felt in the change of environment you went through. I have always wondered what people feel when they move to Singapore. I wished you wrote more about how moving to Singapore influenced you and changed your life to a certain extent.

    - Your post is definitely written by heart. You described your difficulties in detail. Your feelings are being included which made this post more personal and close to heart.

  3. Thanks for sharing this special experience, Cindy.
